Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Beaulty Tips

The Secrets Of Beauty Tips

This is going to be a short article because it's such a straight forward question to answer. People who want to build muscle mass are often misinformed, so I'm going to do my best to educate you as simply as I can, while providing as much correct information as I can.

Building muscle mass is simple, there are only a few main things you really need to have and do, in order to achieve your goals.

The first thing is to actually write down what you want. If you don't write down want you actually want, how are you supposed to know how to build muscle mass? How much muscle mass do you want to build? Do you want to look like a freaky bodybuilder? Do you want to get ripped up? Or do you just want to add a little muscle and stop being so damn skinny? It doesn't matter what you want, as long as you realise it and make a commitment to stick to it.

The next thing on your "to do" list is to educate yourself. If you've found your way to this site, then you're on your way. I've written and compiled a huge list of articles that will tell you a lot about how to build muscle mass. If you're really serious about building muscle mass, then you'll want a step by step guide to show you exactly how to do this, and I've reviewed the best of these already for you. Just have a look at my ebook review section to see what I mean.

The third part is probably the hardest for most of the people I meet. Getting your diet right is just as important as weight training, yet most people will spend hours in the gym, but zero time thinking about what goes into their body. If you have educated yourself correctly, then you won't need to worry about what to do, it will all be there, all you need to worry about is how to implement it.

If you want more info on great muscle building programs, check out our reviews of the musclehead and Sean nalewanyj . vince delmonte also has a great program that I would recommend you check out if you're serious about learning how to build muscle.

The final element on how to build muscle mass is actually weight training. Tada! I knew you were waiting for this section, so I threw it in at the end, just to surprise you ;)
Basically, if you're not training hard with weights, then don't bother trying to build muscle mass, it's just not going to happen. Once again, if you have educated yourself properly, knowing what to do shouldn't be hard at all. It's just about actually making it down to the gym when you can't be bothered. Or when it's too cold, or whatever excuse you would normally use.

So there you go. All you really need to know in order to build muscle mass. If you've finished reading, but you still don't understand what's needed of you, have another read and see if you can figure it out this time. Goodluck and heres to your muscle building success.

1. Brushing Up

Make body brushing a part of your daily routine. Scrubbing out dirt and grime is the least of its advantages. Body brushing tones and stimulates skin, helping with the natural drainage of the lymph glands. It also helps combat cellulite. When brushing, work towards the heart, up from your legs and thighs, and down from your neck. Oh, and remember, skin should be dry while body-brushing, so make sure you have a soft brush - you don't want abrasions that are hard to explain!

2. Banana Rama

For a great homemade face softener, try this: mash a banana and apply it to your face. Leave on for ten minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. Your face feels like satin. Plus, it puts those over ripe gooey bananas to good use!

3. Pearly White

Ever looked in the mirror and felt that your teeth were going from white to off-white to yellow? Take a hard look at your habits. The biggest culprits in the teeth-yellowing process are tobacco, coffee, tea and red wine. So if you must indulge, brush your teeth afterwards whenever possible, or at least rinse with water.

4. Shades Of Summer

A snazzy pair of sunglasses not only looks great, but also delays the onset of crow's feet (wrinkles on the sides of the eyes) which are accelerated by squinting in the sun.

5. Peaches And Cream

Great looks come with great skin, so get crackin' on that epidermis. Dirt and oil blocks pores causing blackheads and pimples, while dirt, grime and pollutants are drawn to oily skin like moths to a flame. So wash your face as often as possible, and cleanse at least twice a day.

6. Instant Glow

So you've just reached home after a nerve-wrecking day at the office and have to leave immediately for a dinner party thrown by your husband's most revered business client. How to get that glow in a flash? You could cheat and layer on the blusher, but a better option would be to try this: simply mix equal amounts of lemon and honey, apply it to your face and wash off after ten minutes.

7. Luscious Locks

Nothing improves the quality of your hair better than getting a regular oil massage. Get it done at home once a week if you have a husband or mother-in-law that dotes on you, or visit your neighbourhood parlour.

8. All Steamed Up

After applying oil wrap your hair in a steaming towel for twenty minutes. Give your hair this steaming treatment at least once a month. Steaming hair after applying oil helps it soak deeper into the follicles.

9. Fun In The Sun

The sun's warmth may make you feel good but it's ultraviolet rays over time cause at best, dry wrinkly skin and at worst, skin cancer. Don't step out without loading on that sunscreen. In the summers, avoid stepping out between 12:00 to 2:00 when the sun is at its peak.

10. Water, Water Everywhere

You can never drink too much water. It flushes out your toxins and is great for the skin, liver and just about every conceivable body organ! It keeps you cool and feeling fresh, reduces dehydration and rejuvenates your body cells. Drink at least ten glasses of water in a day. Bottoms up!

11. Ice Ice Baby

Keep skin looking young and fresh by splashing your face with ice-cold water. This rejuvenates the skin and delays the onset of wrinkles. (Don't try this if you are prone to broken capillaries.)

12. Lime N' Lemony

For a great shine to hair, squeeze the juice of one lemon into a mug of water and give your hair a final rinse with this mixture, after shampooing. You could also use a tablespoon of vinegar instead of a lemon.

14. Steamin'

Steam your face once a week to open pores, so it can be cleansed more effectively. Add a few herbs like basil (tulsi) for extra advantage. Don't steam face directly over the burning stove - too hot! Instead, remove the boiling water from the stove and form a tent with your towel.


Never, ever go to sleep without washing off your make-up. That's a surefire step to a disastrous complexion.

1 comment:

Kazhudhai said...

adhu enga black backgroundla black fontla eludhirukkeenga?